​Mrs. Gonzalez


​I am currently teaching Government and Economics to seniors at Conley-Caraballo High School. Previously, I taught at Kennedy Middle School in Redwood City, CA.
My focus is to integrate as much technology into my teaching and my assignments as possible. I truly feel that my job as a teacher is not only to teach the Social Studies content, but to teach overall skills that my students will use throughout their lives. I strive to create relationships with my students in effort to give them the optimal learning experience.
I have said this many times, and I will say it again, I have amazing students. I am privileged to be their teacher.
​​Jessica Gonzalez

My Family
"Family is the most important thing in the world."
-Princess Diana

My Educational History

Undergraduate: San Diego State University
-Bachlors of Arts: Social Studies
Teaching Credential: San Diego State University
-CLAD Single Subject: Social Studies
Graduate: California State University East Bay
-Master of Public Administration
Other Work
Aim High @ Roosevelt Site Director
Aim High is a free summer academic enrichment program for middle school students in the Bay Area.
Find more information about Aim High @ Roosevelt on my website HERE, or on aimhigh.org.