​Mrs. Gonzalez

So, how does this class work? Read on!
Students come to class and update their Table of Contents every time a new classwork worksheet is given out (see below). Students keep all of their work until the end of the unit, that way, they have time to finish anything they didn’t get to finish in class, and they can use their work to review.
But, as a parent or guardian, how do I know if my student is keeping up with the work?
Good question. Mrs. Gonzalez will stamp the Table of Contents after each assignment is completed. So, ask your child to show you their Table of Contents.
When will the work be graded and entered?
At the end of the unit, students will take an assessment, or test. Students can use all the work in their folder to help them on the assessment. After they complete the assessment, they will turn in their Table of Contents, along with all the work, in a folder. Mrs. Gonzalez will enter the grades then. By this point, students should have all their classwork complete, as we do most of the work together.
Other Assignments
Assignments not listed on the Table of Contents are typically group work tasks done in class, project assessments, or test assessments. Students should talk to Mrs. Gonzalez about any missing assignments.
How do I know what I missed/what my child missed?
Check the Absent Calendar. You can download copies of the worksheets and view any notes that were discussed in class. Note: You must have a NHUSD account to view.