Globe Project-Update 1
We are making paper mache globes! What was I thinking? As a teacher, I see myself as crazy, from my students' prospective, I am fun....
Mapping Storybook Instructions
Click on the link to view the instructions, or check the absent calendar. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qBD7xVhSABsdvDyfQXSRWciesVd6a...

Google Classroom Codes
Period 1: 7eqxey Period 2: k6ijp9m Period 5: s6h9nl4 Period 6: scx5pl

Help the KMS PTO!
Check out the website regarding Silicon Valley Gives Day! https://svgives.razoo.com/us/story/John-F-Kennedy-Middle-School-Parent-Teacher-...

Geography Challenge 2 Posted
Check it out here!

WH Atlas Posted!
The World History Atlast has been posted on my website. Click World History, and then World History Maps, or click on the link below....

Actively Learn Class Codes
​ Period 1: 50f6c Period 2: 25b53 Period 3: bd755 Period 6: e3e96 http://www.activelylearn.com/
How To Check Mrs. Gonzalez's Table of Contents Video
How To Check Mrs. Gonzalez's Table of Contents
How To Check What You Missed When You Were Absent Video
How To Check What You Missed When You Were Absent