STAR Reading Test Link
Students will be taking the STAR reading text in Social Studies. You will need to follow instructions given by the teacher after clicking...

How-To Videos
I just created a How-To Access Powerschool from and iPad or Tabet video. Check it out this video and many more coming soon under my...

Student Educreation Account!
On Thursday, Oct 1st, students created an Educreation account, which they will use in the upcoming weeks. Here are the instructions on...

All vocabulary powerpoints and student worksheets can be found on the World History Vocabulary page. Check them out if you missed class!...
Travel Agent Project Presentations!
Students will be presenting their Travel Agent projects this week! We are looking forward to hearing each "Travel Agency's" pitch!
BTSN: Back to School Night!
Back to school night is tomorrow! We would love to see you all here!
What's this?
This is the place to check the latest updates for Mrs. Gonzalez's class. Click on Classroom News to see all of the details for each post....