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Globe Project-Update 1

We are making paper mache globes! What was I thinking? As a teacher, I see myself as crazy, from my students' prospective, I am fun. Granted, I told parents and students that I had never done this type of project before, but I thought it would be fun, I am still worried that we will not be able to complete the project as intended.

Here are the goods and the bads...


-It's fun!

-Some students have never done paper mache, so this is a new experience.

-We got a chance to work outside of the classroom, yay!

-All around, students had great behavior! 2nd period was spoken to about their noise level. I understand that these types of assignments are exciting, but we still need to act like respectful students.

-6th period was especially helpful with clean up :)

-If the project actually turns out, students will actually learn/remember more about geography.


-Messy! Luckily I planned for the mess and we had great organization and cleanup, but it is still really messy to a person who needs to be in a clean environment.

-Supplies. We got some flour donated and a $25 amazon gift card, but that did not cover all the supplies. I will try to get parents more involved next year. (We did get plenty of newspaper)


-Not all students covered each part of their balloon, so I fear it will not turn out the way I had hoped.


-Time consuming! We do not have time to add on another layer of newspaper, so we are going to move ahead with painting later this week. As a teacher I am torn between doing a project that seems to take forever, or skipping the project entirely. #teacherproblems

-Did I mention how messy it is?

Hopefully I will post another update soon. Cheers to fun projects!

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